Monday, January 30, 2012

A New Life!

Today is the first day of the beginning of my new life! Last night was my last night living in my gorgeous house, that I haven't even had for a year. I bought it back in March 2011, and I moved out! Don't worry, I will be renting it...but I was very sad about leaving it. Yes, I cried. I worked really hard painting, and getting all my appliances and I had big plans for it too! I wanted to build a wine rack, create a Japanese garden in the backyard, paint my my baby/quiet room and the secondary bathroom. I wanted to change out the back slider door with a really nice glass door with side panels that open, I wanted to get a fire pit in the backyard too and have a canopy type thing by my backdoor so I can walk outside and not get rained on. I wanted to plant cherry blossoms and Japanese maple tree's along my fence line, much I wanted to do to my very own house! But now...I'm sitting in a hotel room, in Sacramento. No, I'm not crazy, it's just for training! I'm moving to Santa Barbara thou, and everyone in Reno thought I wasn't going to go thru with this move. Well, here I am....moved. And wow, was I scared too! I gave up so much for this man that I barely know...I met him thru a mutual friend online. And for him, I have given up my job, my cats (that were technically my ex's), my washer and dryer, my life that I had worked for, for 10 years. He better marry me! Ha Haaaa!!!! I actually hope he really ends up being that one person, so I can become an amazing person, and have an amazing family.
 Since everything has been going on, I look back and see just how fortunate I my situation. I went from having it all to having even more within a month, and in these crazy 'economic' times, this just seems completely unheard of. I have done the impossible and now I will go forward and be so much better off than I was. Emotionally, physically, and even mentally. That is something I am so very much grateful for. I wonder...what good karma did I gift out to deserve this? I am a huge believer in Karma, and I know that for me it hits hard. I am definitely getting a good karma hit. I am blessed.
To top it off, this year has been remarkable. I have been going to church every Sunday this year, (except yesterday-I was moving), and it all started with my most wonderful foster-parents! Tim and Doris are the best!!! I really wish that they were my true parents, my real mom couldn't give a shit. I call her up today even, to see how it went with her moving my step-dad's friend to Oregon this weekend...and she just complained about how many miles she drove. Did not ask me once how my move out went, or how my first day of work was. Not one word! That's ok thou, I don't need people that are like that in my life anymore...I've moved on, and unfortunately it has to be my blood relative, but I have other people that are more of family that really do care about me and my future.

Well that's all for to bed, it will most likely be another long day tomorrow, but I am ok with that, because I have a new life and new beginnings starting now.

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